ज्ञान,विज्ञान आणि सुसंस्कार यांसाठी शिक्षण प्रसार” --- शिक्षणमहर्षी डॉ. बापूजी साळुंखे
Shri Swami
Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha, Kolhapur
Lal Bahadur
Shastri College of Arts, Science And Commerce, Satara
Department of Statistics
completion of program students will able to -
Understand the fundamental and basic concepts in statistics for data analysis
in software industries
2. Use appropriate statistical techniques to
solve real life problems
Apply statistical techniques and concepts to perform computation and regression
Drawing conclusions about the whole population on the basis of a sample.
This program offers a range of traditional avenues in academics, Govt. Service,
IAS, Indian Statistical/ Economic Services, Industries, Commerce, Investment
Banking, Banks and Insurance Sectors, CSO and NSSO, Research
Personnel/Investigator in Govt. organizations such as NCAER, IAMR, ICMR,
Statistical and Economic Bureau & various PSUs., Market Research, Actuarial
Sciences, Biostatistics, Demography etc.
6. It
also provides an array of non-traditional employment avenues ranging from Stock
Brokers Analyst, Sports Analyst, Poll Analyst, Business Analyst, Financial
Analyst, Content Analyst etc.
is the language of the uncertainties riddled modern information age. This
program is a compact combination of detailed courses of Statistics and adequate
amount of courses on Computer Science, Mathematics and Operations research to
complement and offer diversification after the completion of program.
thrust of the program is to provide a platform for pursuing higher studies
leading to post-graduate or doctorate degrees. Along with this students are
equipped with skill enhancement courses like Research methodology, Statistical
packages and R language.
from this there is a range of Generic electives courses in Economics, Commerce,
Computer Science etc. which students choose as per their interest and aptitude.
This enhances theoretical rigor with technical skills which prepare students to
become globally competitive to enter into a promising professional life even
after graduation.
program offers a range of traditional avenues in academics, Govt. Service, IAS,
Indian Statistical/ Economic Services, Industries, Commerce, Investment
Banking, Banks and Insurance Sectors, CSO and NSSO, Research
Personnel/Investigator in Govt. organizations such as NCAER, IAMR, ICMR,
Statistical and Economic Bureau & various PSUs., Market Research, Actuarial
Sciences, Biostatistics, Demography etc.
11.It also provides an array of non-traditional employment avenues ranging from Stock Brokers Analyst, Sports Analyst, Poll Analyst, Business Analyst, Financial Analyst, Content Analyst etc.
ज्ञान,विज्ञान आणि सुसंस्कार यांसाठी शिक्षण प्रसार” --- शिक्षणमहर्षी डॉ. बापूजी साळुंखे
Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha, Kolhapur
Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Arts, Science And Commerce, Satara
Department of Statistics
Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes: The students will acquire knowledge of
i. meaning and scope of Statistics, various statistical organizations,
ii. data and types of data, various data presenting methods,
iii. population, sample and various methods of sampling,
iv. various measures of central tendencies and dispersion,
v. moments, skewness and kurtosis.
Course outcomes: Students will be able to;
i.distinguish between random and non-random experiments
ii.acquire knowledge of concepts of probability
iii.use the basic probability rules, including additive and multiplicative laws
iv.understand concept of conditional probability and independence of events.
v.understand concept of univariate random variable and its probability distributions
vi.acquire knowledge of mathematical expectation of univariate random variable
Course Outcomes: Students will acquire knowledge of;
i. correlation coefficient and interpret its value.
ii. regression coefficients, interpret its value and use in regression analysis.
iii. qualitative data including concept of independence and association between two attributes
iv. vital statistics and concept of mortality and fertility and growth rates.
Course Outcome: Student will be able to acquire knowledge of;
i.bivariate discrete distributions, independence of bivariate r.vs., Mathematical expectation of bivariate discrete random variable. 11
ii.one point distribution, two point distribution, Bernoulli distribution,
iii.Uniform distribution, Binomial distribution, Hypergeometric distribution,
iv.Poisson distribution, Geometric distribution and Negative binomial distribution.
B. Sc. Part-II: SEMESTER III SUBJECT: STATISTCS -V DSC - 7C: Probability Distributions–I
Course Outcomes:
i) bivariate discrete distributions with real life situations.
ii) continuous random variable and find the various measures, probabilities using its probability distribution. iii) transformation of univariate continuous random variable.
iv) some standard continuous probability distributions with real life situations.
v) the relations among the different distributions.
B. Sc. Part-II: SEMESTER III SUBJECT: STATISTCS -VI DSC - 8C: Statistical Methods-I
Course Outcomes: The students will acquire knowledge of
i) obtaining multiple linear regression equations and their applications.
ii) the concept of multiple correlations, partial correlation and their computations.
iii) need, construction and utility of various index numbers.
iv) the concepts related to national income and different methods of estimation of national income.
B. Sc. Part-II: SEMESTER IV SUBJECT: STATISTCS -VII DSC-7D: Probability Distributions-II Course Outcomes: The students will acquire knowledge of
i) some standard continuous probability distributions with real life situations.
ii) finding the various measures of continuous random variable and probabilities by using its probability distributions.
iii) the relationships among different distributions.
iv) continuous bivariate r.vs. and probability distributions of their transformations.
v) concept of sampling distribution of a statistic.
vi) some sampling distributions of a statistic : Normal, Chi-Square, t and F distributions with their applications and interrelations.
B. Sc. Part-II: SEMESTER IV SUBJECT: STATISTICS - VIII DSC-8D: Statistical Methods-II Course Outcomes: The students will acquire knowledge of
i) the concept and use of time series analysis.
ii) the meaning, purpose and use of Statistical Quality Control, construction and working of control charts for variables and attributes.
iii) applying the appropriate small sample tests and large sample tests in various situations.
B. Sc. Part-III Semester V SUBJECT – STATISTICS - IX DSE-E13: ProbabilityDistributions
Course Outcomes: Thestudents will acquire
a) knowledge of important univariate distributions such as Laplace, Cauchy, Lognormal, Weibull, Logistic, Pareto, Power Series Distribution.
b) knowledge of Multinomial and Bivariate Normal Distribution.
c) knowledge of Truncated Distributions.
d) information of various measures of these probability distributions.
e) acumen to apply standard continuous probability distributions todifferent situations.
B. Sc. Part-III Semester V SUBJECT – STATISTICS - X DSE-E14: Statistical Inference-I
Course Outcomes:The students will acquire
a) knowledge about important inferential aspect of point estimation.
b) concept of random sample from a distribution, sampling distribution of a statistic, standard error of important estimates such as mean and proportions.
c) knowledge of various important properties of estimator,
d) knowledge about inference of parameters of standard discrete and continuous distributions.
e) concept of Fisher information and CR inequality.
f) knowledge of different methods of estimation.
B. Sc. Part-III Semester V SUBJECT – STATISTICS - XI DSE-E15: Design of Experiments
Course Outcomes:The students will acquire
a) knowledge of basic terms used in design of experiments.
b) concept of one-way and two-way analysis of variance.
c) knowledge of various designs of experiments such as CRD, RBD, LSD and factorial experiments.
d) knowledge of using an appropriate experimental design to analyze the experimental data
B. Sc. Part-III Semester V SUBJECT – STATISTICS - XII DSE-E16: R-Programming and Quality Management
Course outcomes: The students will acquire
a) importance of R- programming
b) knowledge of identifiers and operators used in R.
c) knowledge of conditional statements and Loops used in R.
d) knowledge of quality tools used in Quality management. 13
e) knowledge of process and product control used in Quality management.
B. Sc. Part-III Semester VI SUBJECT – STATISTICS - XIII DSE-F13: Probability Theory and Applications
Course Outcomes: The students will acquire
a) knowledge about order statistics and associated distributions
b) concept of convergence and Chebychev’sinequality and its uses
c) concept of law large numbers and central limit theorem and its uses.
d) knowledge of terms involved in reliability theory as well as concepts and measures.
B. Sc. Part-III Semester VI SUBJECT – STATISTICS - XIV DSE-F14: Statistical Inference-II Course Outcomes:The students will acquire
a) concept of interval estimation.
b) knowledge of interval estimation of mean, variance and population proportion.
c) knowledge of important aspect of test of hypothesis and associated concept.
d) concept about parametric and non-parametric methods.
e) Knowledge of some important parametric as well as non–parametric tests
B. Sc. Part-III Semester V SUBJECT – STATISTICS - IX DSE-F15: Sampling Theory.
Course Outcomes: The students shall get
a) basic knowledge of complete enumeration and sample, sampling frame sampling distribution, sampling and non-sampling errors, principle steps in sample surveys, sample size determination, limitations of sampling etc.
b) concept of various sampling methods such as simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling and cluster sampling.
c) an idea of conducting sample surveys and selecting appropriate sampling techniques.
d) knowledge of comparing various sampling techniques.
e) knowledge of ratio and regression estimators
B. Sc. Part-III Semester V SUBJECT – STATISTICS - XVI DSE-F16: Operations Research
Course Outcomes: The students will acquire
a) Concept of Linear programming problem.
b) Knowledge of solving LPP by graphical and Simplex method.
c) Knowledge of Transportation, Assignment and Sequencing problems.
d) Concept of queuing theory.
e) Knowledge of simulation technique and Monte Carlo technique of simulation.
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